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Faq - Local Electricians Melbourne
Melbourne CBD & Surrounding
24/7 Emergency Electrician
Melbourne CBD & Surrounding
24/7 Emergency Electrician
We answer your doubts
Frequently Asked Questions
You will find answers to all of your most common Electrical Services related questions located here.
1. If a circuit breaker trips, is this dangerous?
Frequent breaker trips could be a sign that the circuit is being overloaded somewhere on the property. A wire, socket, or appliance could be overheating, which could eventually cause a fire.
2. Why does my light bulb burn out faster than expected?
A light bulb that prematurely burns out in a particular lamp or socket is a sign of a poor electrical connection causing heat build-up in the lamp.
3. Do I need to replace an outlet if the plug is loose?
Yes. A loose plug in an outlet results in high electrical resistance.
4. Why is my electrical panel buzzing?
A breaker could be loose, or a hot breaker is allowing current to flow between hot and neutral. Either issue should be inspected immediately by a qualified electrician.
5. Can I install electrical wiring myself?
It’s a good idea to hire a licensed electrician.
6. What is a surge protector?
A surge protector is an appliance that protects an electrical device from voltage spikes. A surge protector is designed to limit the voltage flow to an electric device.
7. What kind of electrical panel do I need?
Inventory your electrical needs: heating system, air conditioning system, all electrical appliances (dryer, range, dishwasher, hot tubs, and pools) etc., and then contact an electrician with this information.
8. What is the difference between 110 and 220 volts?
220V is used for large appliances; 110V is used for small appliances. Using an 110V appliance in a 220V outlet will burn out the appliance. Using a 220V appliance in an 110V outlet will make the appliance run slow or not at all.
Still have some questions?
We’re happy to answer them for you.
Don't worry – we have your back. Contact us today. Get in touch for all of your electrical needs.

    All Electrical work must be done by a qualified licensed electrician.